Services for Professionals

In her feeding courses, Ms. Dawn trains pediatricians, registered dietitians, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists how to safely introduce solids to babies or help their pediatric clients overcome feeding challenges.She has taught thousands of therapists how to successfully feed babies, toddlers, school age children, children with special needs, and medically fragile children.

Colleague Coaching

Medical professionals (who have not had the opportunity to be trained in feeding or swallowing disorders) often ask Ms. Dawn for personal one-on-one coaching. These coaching sessions are offered via conference calls, video chats or in person. For more information, email us at:

Meet Ms. Dawn

Want to learn from Ms. Dawn LIVE and IN-PERSON?! She travels internationally teaching her Baby Led Weaning, Starting Solids, Picky Eating and How to Feed Children with Special Needs courses to parents and medical professionals. Check out her Events Page for a course near you!

Ms. Dawn’s Therapy Tools

Have you been to one of  Ms. Dawn conferences, seen her on social media or TV and want to purchase the feeding tools she recommends? Then check out her Amazon Store for her favorite products! And be sure to follow her on her Amazon Channel too, where she goes live each Sunday + Monday nights talking about the newest and trendiest children’s products on Amazon LIVE!

Frequently Asked Questions

From Practitioners

Yes! Ms. Dawn offers hands-on feeding, sensory-motor, and swallowing training to therapy teams across the country. Reach out to us at
To start colleague coaching, email us at


What practitioners say about Ms Dawn!

Sabrina Hogan, M.S, CCC-SLP

"Ms. Dawn's coaching has taught me the skills necessary to successfully treat children with feeding delays.  Her fun and effective treatment concepts are easy to implement and my clients find them enjoyable and beneficial!" - Sabrina Hogan, M.S, CCC-SLP

Sarah Gray, M.A, CCC-SLP

"Ms. Dawn's Autism Feeding Course was the most practical course I have ever taken. Not only was it filled with techniques I could implement immediately, but her teaching style is so welcoming and supportive! I look forward to her next course!" - Sarah Gray, M.A, CCC-SLP

Tessa LaPointe, M.S, CCC-SLP

"Ms. Dawn’s BLW course was the best investment I’ve made as a mom and a SLP! This feeding course not only gave me the knowledge I needed but the courage to confidently and successfully implement the necessary tools when it came to feeding my son and children within my clinic." - Tessa LaPointe, M.S, CCC-SLP

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