Live Q&A with Marsha Dunn Klein OTR/L MEd FAOTA

Start Time

6:00 pm

April 28, 2021

Finish Time

7:00 pm

April 28, 2021



Guys! I couldn’t be more excited to be celebrating the end of Occupational Therapy Month with my mentor, friend, and favorite OT: Marsha Dunn Klein OTR/L MEd FAOTA!
She has co-authored a number of books on feeding including Pre-Feeding Skills, First and Second Editions, Mealtime Participation Guide and Homemade Blended Formula with Suzanne Evans Morris and Feeding and Nutrition for the Child with Special Needs with Tracy Delaney and just recently, Anxious Eaters, Anxious Mealtimes.

In her newest book she focuses on how to learn how to:
• find peace and enjoyment during mealtimes;
• find ways to help anxious eaters fearlessly try new foods;
• navigate the sensory variations in food smells, tastes, textures looks, sounds: and
• help anxious eaters (and their parents) develop a more positive relationship with food.

On this Live, I’ll be sharing my favorite strategies on how to avoid Picky Eating, followed by Marsha sharing hers, and then we should have time to answer your questions.

You won’t want to miss this one!! Join Ms. Dawn’s FB Group to watch and ask questions!