Services for Parents

Ms. Dawn teaches parents how to successfully start solids with their baby as well as help them overcome their child’s feeding challenges, such as food refusal, picky eating, the inability to chew or difficulties swallowing. She has taught thousands of parents over the past two decades how to feed their babies, toddlers, school age children, children with special needs and medically fragile children and enjoy mealtime.

Parent Coaching

Ms. Dawn’s coaching program is an online experience that gives parents a step-by-step approach to helping their child, without leaving their home. For more information, visit Ms. Dawn’s Parent Coaching page.

In-Home Therapy

Ms. Dawn provides in-home feeding, sensory-motor and swallowing therapy in Colorado. Her home-based therapy approach helps parents (and children) be more comfortable in their familiar environment, which encourages carryover of feeding skills. Email for more information.

Meet Ms. Dawn

Want to learn from Ms. Dawn LIVE?! She travels across the country and internationally teaching her Baby Led Weaning, Starting Solids, Picky Eating and How to Feed Children with Special Needs courses to parents and medical professionals. Check out her Events Page for a course near you!

Ms. Dawn’s Therapy Tools

Have you been to one of  Ms. Dawn conferences, seen her on social media or TV and want to purchase the feeding tools she recommends? Then check out her Amazon Store for her favorite products!

Frequently Asked Questions

From Parents

Whether you plan on using baby led weaning (BLW), the traditional method (purees) or a combination of both feeding styles –ultimately the baby chooses the method. So knowing about the benefits of each approach and how to safely administer them can support your feeding journey! I’m here to help guide you and baby to feeding success! Check out my blogs and videos for more tips + techniques on ‘how to’ start solids with your baby.
Ms. Dawn offers feeding, sensory-motor and swallowing services in the privacy of your own home (if you live in Colorado). She also provides online parent coaching to families across the United States.
Email us at if you are looking for in-home services in Colorado.


What parents say about Ms Dawn!

Amanda Palacios

"My daughter LOVES her Tiny Spoon. She's 15 months and killing the spoon game! Thanks Ms. Dawn!" - Amanda Palacios

Susan Castle

"I love that the Tiny Cup Ms. Dawn designed is not only developmentally perfect for babies, but it's such an awesome way to teach independence!" - Susan Castle

Ayana Nell

"Ms. Dawn has given me some of the BEST advice for feeding my children. I'm using the baby led weaning method for the second time and thanks to Ms. Dawn I'm learning things I never knew with my first one! My 7-month-old is eating new tastes and textures, drinking from an open cup, and is eating new foods like a champ!" - Ayana Nell

Priscilla Ann

"I learned more from Ms. Dawn in her 60 minute course than in weeks upon weeks of posts and articles! Thanks Ms. Dawn! I am so excited and much more confident to start my daughter on solids!" - Priscilla Ann

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