It’s getting hot outside, and parents often worry about their kids staying hydrated. This is especially true for children who refuse to drink water or only take a few sips throughout the day. Is there such a thing as a
Thanksgiving crafts are fun for kids, and they give you some extra time to prepare the family feast without distractions. But kids can be anxious about eating with extended family members (that they only see once or twice a year)
Parents want children to socialize with their peers during play dates, after school activities, and sporting events. However, if your child is a picky eater, these events can be a breeding ground for bullying. If your child is experiencing bullying
“DON’T PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD!” How many of us heard these words as children only to repeat them to our little ones? Let me tell you, letting kiddos play with their food is actually good!Sometimes referred to as “sensory play
Of course strawberries are the most difficult fruits to add to a picky eater’s diet… after all, they’re the world’s most popular fruits! *facepalm*You may ask, why would strawberries be so difficult to eat? Because strawberries are the only fruit
All kids eat pizza, right? Actually, a majority of parents who have a picky eater would do a back-flip if their child ate any topping in addition to their plain, no sauce, thin crust, cheese pizza. I teach picky eaters